My daughter was baptized last September. It was something she's thought about a lot. She asked lots of questions, created artwork around the topic, she even told her friends and family that they needed to be baptized. My daughter is seven. She was six when she asked to be baptized and...quite honestly, Momma wasn't ready.
So many questions ran through my mind, "What if she doesn't really 'get it'? "Will people think we forced her to make this decision?" "God, we could use the handbook on 'How to be a Christian Parent' right now!" Above everything, we wanted to honor God as a family. So, we set up an appointment and let her meet with our pastor.
At the meeting with the pastor, our vibrant daughter become the most quiet, sweet, shy girl we've seen. All of her answers about what baptism was about were hidden in her shyness and I thought, "oh no, maybe she's not ready"...but we proceeded anyway. And her daddy was given the opportunity to baptize her. What a treasure.
Now, several months later, I still wonder. "Does she truly 'get it'?" "Should we have made her wait?" Then, on an average day, I get incredible reminders of her child-like faith. Reminders like the photo below.
I'm trusting God for this. He knows what is best and it is exciting to see her faith grow!
What are some areas that cause you to "let go" and trust God?